What We Believe

The Bible still matters.

The Bible is the inspired message from God to people. It is a story about His love, compassion and provision that inspires us to connect with Him and live differently.  Throughout history humanity has tried to discredit, disprove, destroy it or even manipulate the message.  Yet the timeless truth of the story stands through all time.  When people understand it, we are confronted by our reality in light of God’s mercy and it calls us to be different.  God’s message will always threaten our desire to relax, live comfortably and do whatever we want to do with our lives.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Jesus’ followers should be like him.

Jesus, was God in flesh, as he walked around and embodied all of the attributes of God His father. He came in an unlikely yet usual way. Being born from a mother who was a virgin, living a life that was without flaw or fault, He simply loved people and told his followers to love and to serve. His followers begin the relationship by being baptized (immersed under water).  This is where God cleans us up and gives us his own spirit to guide us to show God’s kindness, compassion, generosity and grace to other people.

Matthew 1:18-25, Romans 6:1-11, Galatians 5:16-25

Everybody has room for improvement.

Nobody is perfect, we’ve all messed up, been inadequate or failed at something. Fortunately for us, God knows that we aren’t perfect. So he sent his son Jesus to take care of us when we didn’t do the right thing. His grace is the one thing that can restore that personal connection between people and God.

Romans 3:21-25

People are better together.

It is becoming easier and easier to withdraw from people and live lives of solitude.  God’s story is a story about deep meaningful lifelong connections with other people. He wants people to build strong families, neighborhoods and communities.  Our lives are richer and fuller when we try to include others in them. It is in our relationships that we care for one another, encourage each other and work together to help build connections that will last.

Acts 2:42-47

We seek to align ourselves to God and agree with each other.

Everyone is faced with a crossroad daily. It is the intersection of God’s revelation and personal desire.  Jesus is famous for telling his followers that they need to lay down their lives and desires and seek the things of God. Our goal is simply to lay down our lives, values and opinions, and agree with God. Christ’s followers are called to be united with him and unite with other people who are participating in God’s mission to change the world.

Philippians 2:2-4

The church is the family of God who gather and celebrate together.

Church is a not about a place where we go but it is the people we are.   Jesus’ followers make up the church. Wherever they are, the church is there.  Each week the church comes together through groups who study, pray, commune and celebrate together.

Matthew 18:20

Heaven is real.

We believe that Heaven is a reality. It’s where Jesus followers will spent their time after this life is over. When people make a choice to connect with God and accept what Jesus has done for us we begin to live in a relationship with God.  Heaven is simply the place where those who want God in their lives will live with Him forever.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-17